Britain has a housing crisis as real estate expert Nick Millican explains. At present, it takes between six months and a year to build a single house. What makes matters even more challenging is that it takes several years to move housing reform legislation through Britain’s Parliament. 


These facts can be a challenge for any country under any circumstance. However, Britain has an additional concern, real estate agent Nick Millican adds. It’s difficult to keep a housing minister in office for any real length of time. The average tenure is only 253 days. The UK housing market is also under pressure from spiraling rents, and an increase in homelessness. 


It’s a fact that recent world conditions, like Covid – 19 pandemic, caused business operations around the world to falter. For many businesses, the recovery has been challenging. Nick Millican, real estate investor, is one individual who offers insights on the benefits of companies making a full recovery. 


During lockdown periods, it was a challenge to run any business because people weren’t allowed to work. Any turmoil the real estate industry is currently experiencing might be the result of Covid. And, Nick Millican informs, the lockdown imposed by the government. 


As such, the housing crisis seems to be way down on the list of government priorities. In 13 years, the government has replaced 14 ministers. This has affected the housing crisis as well. As Nick Millican finally states, it’s impossible for anyone to get anything done in less than a year. People in the know feel there needs to be a change.